May 25, 2008

Shoot Like a Pro -- with a Little Help from Metacafe’s Video Production School

Today’s Subject: How and why use dollies and steadicams

If the only camera movement you know involves holding down the zoom button, it’s time you watched Metacafe's Production School video about “Dollying” which will expand your repertoire to include dolly and steadicam shots.

Just in case you didn’t know, a dolly is a special type of cart used to move a camera smoothly across a location, while a steadicam is a rig or harness that counterbalances a camera and allows for smooth handheld shots. Both devices can be used to merely get closer to your subject, but they truly shine when tracking your subject’s movements.

You can watch the "Dollying" video here:

VERY COOL - my thanks to all at the Production School! Dont't forget - I will keep posting follow-up "how-to" videos from the Video Production School.

Cybercast credit: Metacafe

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