May 10, 2008

Search YouTube the 3D PicLens Way

Cooliris, a startup that’s been developing dynamic and immersive new ways to browse the web, continues to roll out new features for its PicLens browser plug-in. Most promising of the new features is the search capability for video site YouTube.

When PicLens launched last June, I was impressed by its ability to browse photo sites like Flickr. Since then, it looks like the service has gotten a lot more sophisticated, creating an image browsing interface that The New York Times describes as “a three-dimensional space that feels like an unending hallway of images.” In essence, your browser disappears and you fly around in front of a wall of content. Sort of like the Apple’s Quick Look and Cover Flow.

This interface moves PicLens beyond other online slideshow companies like Slide and Rockyou, into a much more useful service. And its YouTube compatibility — which seems to be the first of a number of new multimedia search features in the works — PicLens is starting to live up to its promise.

PicLens’ 3D YouTube search can be accessed direct from the video site, as well as via the PicLens button in your browser toolbar. Here’s a video demo:

The plug-in’s latest release includes other new features like Firefox 3.0 support, an improved user interface that lets you zoom in much further than before and optimized media RSS support. Great job, Cooliris!

Cybercast credit: YouTube

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