March 4, 2009

Signing off for now....

I'm getting involved in a major project that doesn't leave any spare time for me now. May or may not be back....

Thank you for following rants and occasional raves!

March 3, 2009

OVGuide Updates Video Search and Discovery Tools

Online Video Guide is a comprehensive video search portal that draws results from sites including Fancast, Hulu, ESPN and Funny or Die.

They claim to deliver the most relevant search results of any video engine because of their team of editors, who manually comb, categorize, and tag content. In these tough times, I wonder how long they can afford to ....

While video search hasn’t truly come into its own so far on major engines like Google, OVGuide does face several competitors hoping to do the same thing, including earlier players Blinkx, Truveo, and Meefeedia, according to paidContent.

OVGuide currently derives its revenue through ad partnerships with the likes of NBC, ABC, and Warner Brothers. Here is to wish them the best of luck to keep the ad dollars coming!