March 29, 2008

Online Video Ads for Your Business

Jivox wants to be a one-stop shop for small businesses, helping them create and distribute simple online video ads.

The San Mateo, Calif. company provides its own images, videos and musical scores, that you can match with the text message of your choice. It lets you choose demographic information such as age, gender, and location. It then runs your ads on its partner publisher’s sites, matching up the content of the video with particular types of viewers. It also lets you:

1. Set a budget for your ads.
2. Determine the dates the ads will run.
3. Choose "look and feel" and other options.

The cost of an ad ranges from ten to forty dollars per 1000 impressions. Here are some sample ads. The company launched only a few weeks ago. With competition becoming fierce, I wonder how they will fare. I report back if they are still around next year.

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