March 23, 2008

Bottom Line Video - Dude, Dude You Gotta See This!

Guess what? Fifty seven percent of U.S. Internet users watch videos online and most of them share what they find with others according to a recent Pew Internet and American Life Project report.

It might even be more, depending on the age group.

It's just the first decade of the 21st century, yet technology is already king and video is its queen. Sounds good? Cliche? Both? So what?

So, if you want to reach the Tween, Teen, and Twenty-something market heavily into this web video scene, you must have:

1. A website that loads in ten seconds or less or
2. Videos (that also load quickly).

The new generation is not accustomed to waiting for anything. Now, whether this is right or wrong I'll leave up to you, but it is true - to capture their attention video is the way to go.

"Three in four (75%) say they receive links to watch video that others have sent to them," again from Pew Internet and American Life Project report. Video is fast, engaging, and most importantly viral. I urge you: If you do not have a video on your website, look into producing one, because in this day and age this is a business must.

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