June 28, 2007

VEOH TV Bills Itself as a DVR for the Internet

Just what I need more of....

Veoh TV's new (beta, beta, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, ... yes, there are other ancient greek letters too, people) software lets you watch and record Internet video from thousands of video sources from the get-go. You can immerse yourself in full-length episodes from ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and what goes for entertainment on YouTube, MySpace, Google, Yahoo, and your corner store video sharing service.

Finding your shows and clips is super easy with the TV-style guide, or via keyword search. You can even use a remote control. (Which one(s)? As you watch it learns what you like and automatically recommends videos to you. Creeps ... make sure your computer is out of sight when your significant other is there or mom is visiting!

Can't wait to lay your eyes on it? Get an invite here.

(It is currently in an invitation only beta, beta, beta.)

P.S. Looks like this outfit never sleeps - and they don't want you too either!

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