April 1, 2008

Shatner Is a Shaman - Merges Revver and LiveUniverse

Not really but a good way to capture your attention, isn't it?

The Revver and LiveUniverse deal is true, though. Revver did announce that they are now "part of the LiveUniverse network of sites." Sounds official (everybody at the companies waxes eloquent about this wonderful turn of events, as expected) yet I can't shake the feeling this is not good for the larger community. Why? Because it means one more of the original cast of video sharing sites has bitten the star dust.
LiveUniverse claims its sites are visited by more than 55 million unique users each month, so video creators on Revver are now exposed to a much bigger audience. We'll see ... literally.

In association with this new partnership, Revver's best known creators GameZombie, Black Nerd Comedy and Pansy Warrior Princess all began publishing live shows on LiveVideo, LiveUniverse's signature live broadcast portal. Want your own live show? Head over to LiveVideo.com and check it out. Here is one from ShatnerVision, called "Shatner Is A Shaman." Enough said....

Cybercast credit: LiveVideo and ShatnerVision

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