September 19, 2008

Shoot Backlit Shots Like a Pro

A harshly backlit subject can be very frustrating. If you set your camera's iris to auto, your subject will appear silhouetted while the background appears normal. This is generally not a good thing -- unless you want your character in a mysterious shadow.

Here is how backlit lighting fits in with dramatic (and other) lighting, as explained in Metacafe's Production School:

Lighten up!To fix the situation, set your camera to manual iris and open it up full to brighten the entire picture. While this could wash out the background, you will be able to see your subject to some extent.

The right solution

You will get the best effect by shining more light on your subject from ALL angles - or at least as many as you can.

And don't forget about all other topics you can learn in the Metacafe Production School!

Cybercast credit: Metacafe

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