August 2, 2008

Open Your Own Virtual Movie Theater and Become a “Filmanthropist.”

At you can watch full-length documentary films for free. That’s fine - BUT they also make it easy for you to “take them with you,” and put them anywhere on the web. Just embed a movie widget on your web site or blog to open your OWN virtual movie theater. You will automatically become a “Filmanthropist,” as SnagFilms calls their “Snaggers.” By donating your pixels, you support independent films. A win-win deal, no matter how I look at it.

When you click on the “info” button on any widget, it will show you details about that film and the related charity you can support. With a starting library of 225 documentaries, growing daily, that you can browse by topic, channel, or alphabetically, you’re bound to find films that resonate with you. There is a widget for EVERY film, so any film you like can be snagged right onto your site or blog.

Here is one - the famous, or if you are MickyD, infamous Super Size Me:

Why Should You Snag?

For one thing, it’s a great way to share something you love with your friends. But there’s another great reason to do it.

Documentary films rarely get the audience that big-budget Hollywood films do. And chances are, if you like a film, your peers will too! It’s a great way to support filmmakers and get the word out about issues you care about. So go for it!

Cybercast credit: SnagFilms

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