1. Create SHORT-SPAN entertainment.
2. Involve the audience in a way that more closely resembles a videogame than a narrative drama.
3. Dispense with the first act, which sets the plot in motion. Let chaos reign!
4. Start with continuous action in the second act when everything goes wrong.
5. MOST IMPORTANTLY - engage the audience members at multiple levels with:
• The narrative
• Each other
• The characters
• The producers - YES, with you too!!!
Here is an example from NBC's Gemini Division, set to start, only online, on August 18:

"While Anna dodges 'sims' and agents from the misterioso outfit Gemini Division, fans are able to log onto the show's web site and get transmissions from Anna's partner in the police department.
Users can be recruited as Gemini agents themselves, then talk to other agents via webcam ..."
Have fun creating - fame and fortune shall follow….
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