December 14, 2007 Retreats into the Cove

The video sharing site,, is changing its focus to video distribution for its partners. Unfortunately. it was really late to this game. There are a horde of online video startups with variations on that theme - and I’ve covered most of them. Brightcove, which raised a huge $59 million round last January, stopped allowing users to upload videos on December 17.

You want to see what they carry now? How about the "Sopranos' creator in court” from MSN Video? Was the idea of a Mobbed up family from Jersey stolen from someone else? MSNBC's Susan Filan talks about the case against "Sopranos" creator David Chase.

'Sopranos' creator in court
'Sopranos' creator in court

Brightcove is focusing on being a specialized media platform for media companies, including some of its funders, such as the The New York Times, Hearst, CBS, and others.

Cybercast credit: MSN Video via Brightcove

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