January 23, 2009

Make: Television Debutes on public TV

A new TV show based on one of my favorite magazines, MAKE, debuted online and on public television (broadcast / cable tv) just a few weeks ago. Being from the old school, I prefer reading, but hey, this blog is for the print copy challenged. OK, just kidding….

Each half-hour episode hopes to inspire you to think create, and, well, make. Also, each episode can be viewed or downloaded DRM-free (that is without any digital right management wrapper), in HD from makezine.tv. The show is also available on Vimeo, YouTube, Blip.tv and iTunes.

See if you get inspired:

And here are links to newer episodes too:

1. ttp://www.makezine.tv/
2. http://www.vimeo.com/make
3. http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=makemagazine
4. http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=74069835 &s=143441

Making it to the show is now easy. Making time for it is hard.

Cybercast credit: Blip.tv

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