December 12, 2008

Mobile Video. Made Simple. And Profitable. The Transpera Way.

Transpera provides a comprehensive platform to monetize your Web videos on mobile phones with a suite of promotional and distribution building tools.

These include widgets to help promote your mobile channel on-line with such features as “send-to-mobile,” and the Transpera Syndication Framework which allows you to easily integrate your mobile video content and advertising with virtually any mobile distribution partner including carriers.

Now forward to their scheduled programming…

Today's audience demands a mobile experience that delivers more than just broadcast TV. They want a mobile experience that lets them share, interact and engage. With Transpera’s tools and easy-to-use options, you are able to make the mobile video experience as personal as your viewers want it to be.

Check out the Transpera Bridge System and iPhone Platform if you are thinking about going mobile with your video content, or want to explore another option.

Cybercast credit: YouTube

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