June 6, 2008

Shooting for the Small Screen -- MetaCafe Tips #2

A lot of us produce videos for what's considered "small screen," that is internet, web, or mobile tv. So I've chosen this subject for this post from Metacafe's Production School Studio:

Shooting For The Small Screen - Watch today’s top amazing videos here

Here are some of the tips worth repeating:

1. Using a neutral density filter can make your life significantly easier if you find yourself constantly shooting outdoors in strong sunlight.

2. Put simply, the microphone on your camera sucks. You won't get good sound from it. Ideally, get a "shotgun" mic because it records voices without picking up background noise; but any mic is better than the one built into your standard camera.

3. MOST IMPORTANT - no matter how short your final video ends up, ALWAYS shoot multiple takes of key scenes. There are a number of reasons for this, but the most basic one is that it's very hard to tell in the viewfinder if the shot will look like the way you want it to.

Stay tuned -- I will keep posting the best "how-to" videos from the Video Production School!

Cybercast credit: Metacafe

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