October 3, 2007

Sick and Sicker

From someone - namely Logan Darrow Clements of FreeStar Media, who we should all listen to and support, comes Sick and Sicker, a feature-length movie that explores the ethics and realities of a government take-over of the medical profession. Not sick yet? Watch the trailer ...

Sick and Sicker, a feature-length movie that explores the ethics and realities of a government take-over the medical profession.
Sick and Sicker investigates whether government intervention in the U.S. medical system is the cause of, or the solution to, our problems and whether Canada is really the health care utopia that politicians tell us it is.

This won't be a dry documentary that will put you to sleep. No, Logan brings abstract concepts to life in dramatic and surprising ways. If he can show how a monkey with darts can beat the investment return of Social Security then you know it will be a movie you won't forget.

CONTACT Logan Darrow Clements, Executive Producer by email and put "Sick and Sicker" in your subject line. Your health needs your support!

Cybercast credit: YouTube

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