September 9, 2007

Our Video Ad on Million Dollar Web TV

Make iTV Video Ad On MillionDollarWebTV

What's in it for us, in addition to having our ad always on the front page for 10+ years?

How about:

* Displaying our video for free?
* Expusure to at least 100,000 targeted visitors a month?
* Ability to add new videos and rotate them?
* Sharing in profits in proportion to our investment?
* All this for spending only $1,800?

I made the video ad myself, combining the animated gif camera with the other graphics elements in a 320x240 web page. Voice-over came from a text-to-speech synthesizer, courtesy of BlueGrind. I recorded both running at the same time, using Ambrosia's SnapzPro X, then converted the clip from QuickTime to Flash with Cleaner 6.5. Hardest part was to visualize and design the ad!

Cybercast credit: Million Dollar Web TV

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