June 10, 2007

Business "YouTube" from Business Week?

This from Mediaweek's newsletter:

"Business Week is mulling the idea of a 'business YouTube' to allow would-be moguls to pitch ideas to the paper's readers. They would vote on a winner, who will receive $500,000 in venture-capital funding. Speaking at a conference in Miami, John Byrne, the acting editor-in-chief for Businessweek.com, said the company was looking to purchase a new technology platform to help create the interactive competition.

Unfortunately, their videos are not embeddable. So here is one on this subject, showing the winners in the latest Canadian Venture Forum, courtesy of YouTube:

Byrne said the idea behind the move is to both widen the site's audience and boost repeat visits among existing users. Like a reality show, the idea's success hinges on quality production and editing. It simply won't do having camera-shy tech geeks outline their ideas in a monotone. Most likely, this kind of project would require a host, and filtering out the particularly bad stuff. Otherwise, you may only get a few VCs-which are a small portion of the BW audience--to watch. Make no mistake, this is content, which means it has to be solid to fly, or advertisers won't care."

It's gratifying to know you will need to spend some serious money to create a professional pitch ... especially since there is already another player, vator.tv, which does not penalize us "camera-shy tech geeks." (They don't have to "monetize" their content, thank God.)

Broadcast credit: YouTube (Isn't that a riot?)

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